杨 盛等 绍兴市柯桥区工业园区挥发性有机物污染特征研究 绍兴市柯桥区工业园区挥发性有机物污染特征研究 杨盛1王其龙'郑东3 丁志峰1陈军' creasing from July to December in 2019, and decreasing again from Decemberin2019to "theconcentration oIozone washigh"which was contributedbytoluene"propeneandp"m- winter"theconcentrationoIPM washigh"since aromatic hydrocarbons (mainly toluene) and alkanes (mainly n-undecane) contributed to secondary organic aerosols. According to VOCs mass ratios"VOCs in Park 1 were mainlyIrom motor vehicle exhaust and liqueIied petroleum gas (LPG) volatilization and moreoverthoseinPark2werepossiblyIrom motorvehiclesurIacecoatingtoo. Keywords: volatile organic compounds (VOCs); ozone Iormation potential; secondary organic aerosol Iormationpotential ; sourcetracing 挥发性有机物(VOCs) 一线城市# 重要前体物*1+。环境空气中VOCs化学组成复杂, 绍兴市柯桥区位于杭绍平原中部,虽不是一线 来源多样,因此开展环境空气中VOCs污染特征研 城市,但作为浙江省乃至全国的纺织印染重要聚集 究对于制定精准高效的大气污染综合治理策略,更 地,工业园区多,VOCs排放量大。然而直到2018