内蒙古医学杂志Inner Mongolia Med J 2022年第54卷第1期 45 DOI: . cnkin median survival. Results The disease control rate of the study group was 86. 36 % higher than that of the control group 59. 09 % ( P < 0. 05 ) ; after treatment, the serum CEA、CA199、VEGF level of the two groups was lower than that of the control group( P < ) ; the median survival time of the study group without progress was 8 months longer than that of the control group ( 5 months) . Conclusion Apatinib combined with SOX hemotherapy is effective in the treatment of advanced gas tric cancer, which can effectively control the progression of the disease, reduce the level of tumor markers, and prolong the median survival time without progression. [Key words]apatinib; SOX chemotherapy;advanced; gastric cancer 胃癌为常见消化系统恶性肿瘤,主要表现为恶 生命安全⑴。由于胃癌早期症状不明显,发病较隐 心呕吐、食欲下降、腹痛消瘦等,不仅损害消化系统, 匿,易被患者忽视,故多数患者确诊时已发展为中晚 还可发生转移,影响肝肾、呼吸功能,严重危害患者 期,进而错失手术治疗时机,因此只能采取化疗方46 内蒙古医学杂志Inner Mongolia Med J 2022年第54卷第1期 案⑵。SOX方案化疗为治疗胃癌常用方案,但临床 次50 mg,体表面积< m2,每次40 mg,均每天 治疗时患者易产生强烈不良反应及肿瘤细胞耐药 2次,连续服用14 do 1个周期为21 d。研究组采用 性,影响治疗效果。近年来,在晚期胃癌治疗中小分