第 50 卷 第 3 期 华 中 科 技 大 学 学 报( 自 然 科 学 版 ) 202operties of siltstone were studied.The damage deterioration mechanism was revealed from the microscopic level.Based on Weibull distribution,the damage constitutive equation was derived. The results show that with the increase of cycle times,the P-wave velocity decreases and the water content increases.With the increase of cycle times and confining pressure,the plastic deformation ability increases,and the failure mode changes from brittle failure to ductile failure.The total damage evolution curve of siltstone presents“S”type,which can be divided into non damage stage,rapid damage development stage,damage deceleration development stage and damage completion stage.The evolution curve of the total damage rate of siltstone presents a normal distribution,which can be divided into initial stage,rapid growth stage,rapid decay stage and completion stage.Confining pressure can inhibit the development of damage. Key words siltstone;dry-wet cycle;confining pressure;macro/micro degradation;damage;constitutive 广西山区公路建设过程中易形成坡度较陡、长 度较长的岩质路堑边坡,而该地区高温多雨气候特 收稿日期 2021-06-22. 作者简介 黄 震(1989-),男,讲师;冯学茂(通信作者),高级工程师,E-mail:******@. 基金项目 国 家 自 然 科 学 基 金 资 助 项 目 (51978668; 51578550);