第 卷第 期 现 代 牧 业
5 4 andry an d Economy , Zheng zhou Henan 450046;
2. College of Veterinary Medicine, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou Henan 450046)
: Paraffin se ction s of 6 suspected tumo r samp les were ma de a ccordi ng to the conven tiona l method, and obse rved
by optical m ic roscope af ter H. E . stain ing. The re sults sho we d that the tu mor c ells in 6 case s we re arran ged diso rderly and
inte rtwin ed in bundle or v ortex shape. The sha pe and size of tu mor ce lls were incons isten t, th e nucl ear staini ng deep ened
and the n ucleoc ytopla smic ratio increased. Th e tum or cells with b etter diffe rentiatio n had les s atypia and rare m itotic ima-
ges. Th e tum or cells wit h p oor diff ere ntiatio n had o bvio us aty pia and more mitotic imag es. A larg e numbe r of new blood
vessels could be s een in the stroma of tum or tissue, and so me masses wer e a ccom pa nied by ob vious n ecrosis an d ble eding.
Fib rosarcoma wa s di agnosed ac cording t o the mor phological c haracte risti cs of cells in the ma
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