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: .
cream laminated paper,
29 ⁄8 x 23. Collection
you can use value rendering to manipulate your Princeton University,
halftones, highlights, reflected lights, and shad- Princeton, New Jersey.
This content has been abridged from an original article written by Dan Gheno. This premium has been
published by Interweave Press, 201 E. Fourth St., Loveland, CO 80537-5655; (970) 669-7672. Copyright
© 2009 by Interweave Press, a division of Aspire Media, all rights reserved. The contents of this publication
may not be reproduced either in whole or in part without consent of the copyright owner.
2 Drawing Lessons
ow shapes to give depth and volumetric
dimension to your figures. We will
see how you can use value contrasts to
design exciting compositions through
the spotting of darks and lights, how
to create atmospheric depth with hala-
tion, how to charge your figures with
lost and found edges, and how to use

铅笔画教程 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.

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  • 页数14
  • 收藏数0 收藏
  • 顶次数0
  • 上传人Bonnacon
  • 文件大小2.55 MB
  • 时间2022-03-25