2022管城区招教考试-郑州管城区教师招聘考试笔面试备考指导 【华图招教】 of accountability, redress of orders and prohibitions. Strengthening the h师资格证书; 报考幼儿园教师,应有幼儿园教师资格证书。 【华图招教】 of accountability, redress of orders and prohibitions. Strengthening the honesty and self-discipline of leading cadres honesty in politics and education work, enhance leaders ability to resist of accountability, redress of orders and prohibitions. Strengthening the honesty and self-discipline of leading cadres honesty in politics and education work, enhance leaders ability to resist of accountability, redress of orders and prohibitions. Strengthening the honesty and self-discipline of leading cadres honesty in politics and education work, enhance leaders ability to resist 〔三〕学历要求: 报考中学教师,应具有全国普通高等院校本科及以上学历; 报考小学、幼儿园教师,应具有全国普通高等院校大专及以上学历; 报名时按所学专业报考相应学科。 〔四〕年龄在26岁以下〔1986年1月1日以后出生〕,具备研究生学历的年龄可放宽至28岁〔1984年1月1日以后出生〕。 〔五〕具有郑州市户口〔含郑州各县、市、区〕。 〔六〕留学回国人员凭本人有效身份证和教育部出具的国外学历学位认证书等原件及复印件各1份。 〔七〕引进优秀人才报名条件 1、学历为本科及以上,有小学教师资格证书,教龄5年以上(俄语专业者可为毕业生),具有小学高级任职资格,年龄必须在35周岁以下(1977年1月1日以后出生); 2、河南省户籍; 3、小学语文、数学教师报名者还必须同时具备以下资格条件之一:①近三年被评为市级以上骨干教师或市学科技术带头人 【华图招教】 of accountability, redress of orders and prohibitions. Strengthening the honesty and self-discipline of leading cadres honesty in politics and education work, enhance leaders ability to resist of accountability, redress of orders and prohibitions. Strengthening the honesty and self-discipline of leading cadres honesty in politics and education work, enhance leaders ability to resist of accountability, redress of orders and prohibitions. Strengthening the honesty and self-discipline of leading cadres honesty in politics and education work, enhance leaders ability to resist ;②县(区)级以上名师;③近三年教学比赛中获得省级一、二等奖或市级一等奖。 〔八〕有以下情形之一者不得应聘: 〔1〕受处分期间或者未满影响期限的; 〔2〕正在接受审计、纪律审查的,涉嫌犯罪、司法程序尚未终结的; 〔3〕具有法律、法规和政策规定不得聘用的其他情形。 [河南招教新浪微博:] [河南招教腾讯微博:] 四、招聘程序 〔一〕发布招聘信息 在大河报、郑州日报、郑州市人力资源和社会保障局网站、管城回族区政府网、管城回族区