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摘要近年来,中国美学研究明显倾向于传统美学理论。老子美学则是中国美学史的起点,《道德经》(又称《老子》)中蕴含着丰富的美学宝藏,中国美学中的诸多范畴和美学命题都是由此衍化而来的,如大、味、妙,以及意境说、虚静说、气韵说等,这些思想基本上确定了中行罗列老子美学观点的局限,揭示出中国传统美学体系是建立在老子“大道至美”这一文化内核思想上的。全文试从“‘道’之美的呈现与衍化”这一角度立论,以“道”的哲学辨析作为行文的起点,重在研究和评价老子《道德经》在中国古典哲学美学中的源头价值和对后世的深远影响。老子之“道”不是凭空的臆造,而是中国古代哲学思想形成和发展的必然结果。要揭示出老子美学的内在价值和衍化意义,其前提条件就是要论证“道”能够上升和抽象成为哲学范畴的内在根据,从思想文化背景上论证老子哲学美学何以产生的原因。老子对“道”有其独创性,这表现在老子诠释人生,设“道”为价值目标,将道的研究基点定位于生命价值观上,对美的理解定位于道的价值观上:美就是生命自由的显现。“道”本体与美本体具有合一性。“道”之美的呈现与衍化的影响之根本在于以体道作为艺术意味和艺术创造的最高意趣;意境说、气韵说、神形说等深刻地揭示出老子美学思想在中国传统美学思潮的价值。本论文分别从老子对“道”本体的设问、老子对美本体的追寻、老子之“道”的时代价值等三个方面对老子美学思想论述开去。前两部分是对老子美学思想的本体论阐释,最后部分是对作为古典美学的老子美学的现代意义引申。关键词:道;老子美学;衍化 I Abstract In recent years, the Chinese esthetics research is favored obviously the traditionary aesthetic theories. Lao Tzu aesthetics was the starting point of the history of Chinese aesthetics, and its great glory of both the subtle mysterious image and the philosopher poem's wisdom, is shining the Chinese esthetics and the Chinese art. Tao - te Ching contains not only a wealth of aesthetic ideology,and a lotof aesthetic propositions, derived from this, such as, big, taste, wonderful, as well the ideal condition as Yijing, Xujing, Qiyun, basically have determined the Chinese esthetics connotation and the development direction. Instead of only listing the aesthetic ideas, in the paper the writer points to the fact that the Chinese esthetics system is best understood in Lao Tzu aesthetics “ in pursuit of the quintessence of Tao ”. So this article is argumenting the question of “ the aesthetical presentation and derivation of Tao ”. the philosophy discrimination of Tao takes the beginning, then the subject focused on researching and evaluatiing the origin price of Tao - te Ching in the entire Chinese esthetics development process and its far-reaching contribution. Tao isnot a fabrication but the inevitable result of the Chinese ancients ’ philosophical thinking .In order to reveal Lao Tzu aesthetics ’ intrinsic value and

大道至美——老子《道德经》美学思想呈现与衍化 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.

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  • 页数55
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  • 上传人2024678321
  • 文件大小380 KB
  • 时间2017-01-14