of rural drinking water sources, protection of drinking water sources in rural areas by the end o的循环调节机能差,加之机体的总体液量减少,治疗时易出现降压过度,要平衡机体内环境。为此,老年高血压患者,药物剂量应从青壮年用量的1/3~1/2开始,通过观察其反应逐渐加量,2~3个月后收到满意效果即可。根据老年高血压患者血压昼夜节律呈双峰、双谷的动态变化,其用药时间最好在6:00、14:00、22:00;同时,考虑不同降压药物的作用机理。另外,应让患者及家属知晓所服药物的注意事项、不良作用,以便采取相应的预防措施。另外,鼓励患者发挥自身潜能,在最大程度上减少躯体痛苦和心理压力,促进其身心的健康。即使血压降至正常范围,也不能擅自停药,应及时的与医生取得联系,让其给调整用药及剂量,以防止停药后血压骤然升高,致使病情反复。如果血压突然变化很大,很容易导致心、脑、肾等的靶器官损伤。应指导患者遵医嘱用药。
高血压分为原发性和继发性。WTO老年高血压标准:年龄60岁以上人群,在休息状态下收缩压≥140 mm Hg(1 mmHg= kPa)和(或)舒张压≥90 ,积极防治高血压是防治心脑血管疾病的重要环节,应对患者实施有效的护理指导,尽量避免高血压诱发因素,配合临床治疗来更好地稳定血压,防治恶化,最终达到健康护理的目的。
of rural drinking water sources, protection of drinking water sources in rural areas by the end of the delimitation of the scope of protection, complete with warning signs, isolating network protection facilities
of rural drinking water sources, protection of drinking water sources in rural areas by the end of the delimitation of the scope of protection, complete with warning signs, isolating network protection facilities
of rural drinking water sources, protection of drinking water sources in rural areas by the end of the delimitation of the scope of protection, complete with warning signs, isolating network protection facilities
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