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The causes of Hamlet’s Procrastination
Abstract: Hamlet is one of the most famous tragic figures in the dramas of Shakespeare. Just like the saying, “there are a thousand Halmelts in a thousand people’s eyes.” His procrastination is still controversial through the world. Based on the previous studies, this thesis explains Hamlet’s procrastination in two large factors, that is, the subject and the objective.
Keywords: Halmelt, procrastination , the subject and the objective factors, “the theory of internal origin”and “the theory of external cause”
Mostly, different critics hold different views about the causes of Hamlet’s procrastination, these views can be divided into two large categories:the subject and the objective. There is another saying that is “the theory of internal origin”and “the theory of external cause”.
The theory of internal origin can also be divided into three small reprentative categories.
W. Richardson, S. T. Coleridge, W. Hazlitt, Schlegel and J. R. Lowell analyze the cause of Hamlet’s procrastination from philosophy angles. They empasize that Hamlet is a thinking type of person, not the action type. So hamlet has no power and courage to take his revenge on the murderer of his father under any circumstance.“ Endless mediation and excessive thinking make Hamlet’s mind occupied by the inner world but isolated from the outside.”

英国文学论文 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.

  • 页数5
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  • 文件大小0 KB
  • 时间2014-11-12