Create an amazing Ad in Photoshop
I'm a really fan of Peter Jaworowski aka The Hejz, I even wrote). Use a regular brush. Change the Hardness to 0% and use a big size. Now erase some areas, just leave the center like the image bellow.
Step 5
Place the logo and aling it in the center of the document. Go to Layer>Layer Styles>Outer Glow. Use #fffde2 for the color, Color Dodge for the Blend Mode, 80% opacity, 18% for the Spread and 18 pixels for the Size. That will create a nice glowing logo.
Step 6
This tip was from my friend Cameron, he sent me this image and told me that it would be a nice way to create some effects like the Hejz work. You can download the image here.
Step 7
Cut an area of the image and paste it in your document. Rotate and resize it to fit with the symbol. After that change the Blend Mode to Screen.
Step 8
Now go to Image>Adjustments>Levels. Increase the black and the a bit of the white of the image. That's necessary to match the colors of the image with the backgournd.
Step 9
Go to Edit>Transform>Scale, reduce the size of the streaks. Then go to Edit>Transform>Warp. Move the grid to make the streaks follow the symbol.
Step 10
Go to Image>Adjustments>Hue and Saturation. Increase the Saturation and the Hue. Reduce the Lightness.
Step 11
Duplicate the sparks layer. Go to Edit>Transform>Flip Vertical. Then resize it and adjust the position like the image below.
Step 12
Copy another art of the original Photo and paste it in your document. Repeat the steps 8, 9, and 10.
Step 13
Repeat again the Steps 8,9, and 10 to create a tail to the symbol, like the image below.
Step 14
Now lets create some stars, I have explained this in other tutorials so I won't spent too much time again. Basically just create a new layer and fill it with black. Make sure you have black and white for the background and foreground colors. Then go to Filter>Noise>Add Noise. Use Gaussian f
PS制作NIKE-LOGO火焰字 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.