关键词: 数控改造 X6132 半闭环控制 Abstract It is implement the rebuilding of general machines to NC machines,it could increase work efficiency of old equipment. Rebuilt NC machines,not only process the oval of Arc-shaped face and the oval curved face,but also meanwhile alleviated the worker’s labor strength consumedly. This text introduced a kind of all-powerful working panel lifter in X6132 miller that use the half that the number of the work set of the single servo electrical engineering in control in a machine control reforms to shut the wreath control system design project. Rebuilt NC machines making use of the puter controls servomotors, the three axes in the X、Y、Z plane enters to reforms to sport mutually control with the servo electrical engineering in direct current, realize the two stalks contacting move, this half closed-loop control system makes the tachogenerator to feed back the servomotors’ speed and the respond synchronous machine feed back the ball screw-bar’s angular displacement, and designed to realize the machine bed enters automatically to of the number controls the device, the numeral control system adopts the half closed-loop control .The servo electrical engineering drives, can realize the straight line put to repair and put to repair with the arc. The number controls to process to press outline plait distance procedure but can adapt to the variety that knife have size. Key Word: numerization rebuilding X6132 the half closed-loop control 目录 前言 1 正文 6 7 7 7 7 、主传动系统的改造 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 14