of accountability, redress of orders and prohibitions. Strengthening the honesty and self-discipline of leading cadres h of accountability, redress of orders and prohibitions. Strengthening the honesty and self-discipline of leading cadres honesty in politics and education work, enhance leaders ability to resist2 仅供参考 of accountability, redress of orders and prohibitions. Strengthening the honesty and self-discipline of leading cadres honesty in politics and education work, enhance leaders ability to resist 2021年甘肃省政法干警考试面试真题 一、2021年11月11日甘肃省政法干警面试真题 为迎接十八大的召开,领导让你开展“忠诚、为民、公正、廉洁〞政法干警核心价值观教育实践活动,要求形式新颖,你怎么做? 你的表哥请你吃饭,你一进包房,就发现你正在办理的一个案件的当事人也坐在包房里,你怎么办? of accountability, redress of orders and prohibitions. Strengthening the honesty and self-discipline of leading cadres honesty in politics and education work, enhance leaders ability to resist2 仅供参考 of accountability, redress of orders and prohibitions. Strengthening the honesty and self-discipline of leading cadres honesty in politics and education work, enhance leaders ability to resist 2021年甘肃省政法干警面试真题解析 一、2021年11月11日甘肃省政法干警面试真题 为迎接十八大的召开,领导让你开展“忠诚、为民、公正、廉洁〞政法干警核心价值观教育实践活动,要求形式新颖,你怎么做? 【参考答案】 政法干警核心价值观是社会主义核心价值体系在政法领域的具体表达,忠诚是基石,为民是根本出发点和落脚点,公正是生命线,廉洁是根基。开展政法干警核心价值观教育实践活动,目的是为了增强政法干警的理想信念,解决政法工作中棘手、突出的问题。十八大即将召开,我会认真负责,创新形式。首先,开展宣传发动活动。充分利用单位内网、宣传栏进行前期宣传;发放红头文件通知,印刷学习材料;成立教育实践活动领导小组,由各部门负责人组成。召开单位发动