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怎么给老师写感谢信【本期题目】在初中三年的学习生活中,你一定遇到过很多老师,现在请你选择其中对你帮助最大的一位老师,给他(她) 写一封感谢信,谈谈你对他(她) 的印象,回忆一下他(她) 是怎么帮助你的,并表达你对他(她) 的祝福。信的开头和落款已给出,不计词数。提示词: kind, help, encourage, thanks, hope 【写作指导】本题要求我们给对自己帮助最大的老师写一封感谢信,因为是自己亲身经历的,又是写给自己的老师,同学们一定有千言万语要对他(她) 说。在情真意切的同时,我们还要格外注意文章的详略和条理。通过审题,我们可以获知: 1. 文章的主题:感谢师恩 2. 文章的要点:对老师的感谢之情,对老师的印象,回忆老师的帮助,并表达祝福。 3. 文章的体裁:书信 4. 文章的人称: you, i 5. 文章的时态:因为是回忆,所以以一般过去时为主。同学们先把相关短语和词汇整理一下: 1. 描写老师的形容词有哪些呢? kind, nice, selfless, patient, easy-going, responsible, be strict with … 2. 有哪些单词和短语可以表示老师对自己的帮助呢? help me with my english/ maths, explain … to me patiently, encourage me never to give up, praise me when i make progress, have a talk with me, take me to the hospital when i am ill, tell me some good ways to learn ……接下来,我们看看如何表达对老师的感谢和祝福吧。 want to say thanks/thank you. owe my progress/ess to your help. owe you a lot for your help/what you ’ ve done for me. ’ ll never forget your help and i will remember all the happy times we shared together. hope you can be happy/healthy, forever. wish you good luck/health! 【普通作文】 dear miss wang: i’m glad to write to you. you are such a kind and easy-going teacher that we all like you. i remember that at first i hated learning new english words very much and i even wanted to give up. when you noticed this, you h

怎么给老师写感谢信 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.

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  • 页数2
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  • 上传人2072510724
  • 文件大小55 KB
  • 时间2017-03-09