World Retail Banking Report 2022 THE CUSTOMER- ENGAGEMENT IMPERA connected with money responsible lifestyle Sources: Capgemini Research Institute for Financial Services Analysis, 2022; Capgemini Voice of Customer survey, N=8051. Question to customers: Do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your primary bank? (customers rating 3 and below, where 1: customer strong disagreement; 5: strong agreement) For example: 52% customers disagreed that “banking is fun.” Banks lag in infrastructure modernization to optimize data-driven growth Underdeveloped data capabilities hinder banks from enhancing customer lifecycle process improvements. In our executive survey, 95% said legacy systems and core banking modules inhibit efforts to optimize data Incumbents face structural challenges along the customer lifecycle IDENTIFY CONVERT ENGAGE 'LƯFXOWWRLGHQWLI\QHZ 6WUXJJOHVWRSURYLGHVHDPOHVV 6WUXJJOHVWRUHGXFH 82% 55%