
不同施肥模式对马铃薯光合特性及产量品质的影响 徐玉坤.pdf

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中国农业大学学报 2022,27(6):83-90 http:∥zgnydxxb.ijournals.cn
Jouron treatment(CM)were studied.The results showed that:
1)With the development of potato growth,both the relative chlorophyll content(SPAD)and net photosynthetic rate
(Pn)decreased.The descending order of SPAD and Pn of three treatments was CM>CF>CK at each stage.The
changes in stomatal conductance(Gs),transpiration rate (Tr)and intercellular CO2 concentration(Ci)were different
at each stage.The photosynthetic indexes of CM treatment were better than those of CF and CK treatments at the late
growth period.2)Compared with CK treatment,the yield of CF and CM treatment increased by 13.4%and 16.6%,
respectively,and the commercial potato rate of CF and CM treatment increased by 2.32%and 1.46%,respectively.
3)Compared with CK treatment,both CF and CM treatments could increase starch content,reduce sugar content and
water content.CM treatment had a significant effect on protein content.In conclusion,the equal nitrogen 30%organic
substitution treatment could increase the chlorophyll content and net photosynthetic rate of leaves,effectively prolong
the photosynthetic function period of leaves,improve the photosynthetic characteristics of potato in the late growth
period,promote the increase of potato yield

不同施肥模式对马铃薯光合特性及产量品质的影响 徐玉坤 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.

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  • 文件大小1.89 MB
  • 时间2022-05-08