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Section afternoon class, the teacher told us to go out and play the game. 第2页 /总页数 3 页

Section afternoon class, the teacher told us to go out and play the game. I was flattered.
We play games is net full of fish. Teacher and several students pulled together to form a network, we catch these fish. Was caught fish will become net.
The game starts, we hurriedly fled the scene. The nets like an arrow leaving the string has been pursued, which led some students to become inattentive the nets. Seeing their nets too big, we'll have faster. Surprisingly, bigger nets, are starting to become clumsy, and sometimes hit a tree. But they soon returned to normal, give us spread a dragnet, let us escape too late. However, we are wise not lose these nets, we leave no stone unturned to escape this increasingly large nets. Before long nets cover still in our heads, we tried to escape, but was caught a few small fish nets.
I see more and more of their net was scared soul are flying, they had tried to run forward. A sudden burst of bell sounded, we had to end the game.

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