万能五笔使用方法(There are five ways to use it) 1. flexible input mode Universal five pen provides five input methods: Pinyin u can use ' ' to separate ',enter' Xi an ' , and the blank space can also complete the automatic word formation. Note: in the auxiliary settings menu, you need to select "space, return, automatic word”. There are two ways to delete from the phrase: The input encoding, when it appears in the Chinese characters candidate box, delete directly by the Shift digital key: Use the word "delete" in the function menu”. More than 3. settings options menu: move the cursor to the "universal five pen" icon and press the left mouse button when the cursor changes to the shape of the hand. press the right mouse button anywhere in the universal five pen window. in the Windows taskbar, press the right mouse button for the tray icon of the universal five pen. After you open the function menu, you can do a variety of settings; Input bar window position: at present, universal five pen provides 9 kinds of window position, may choose according to need; Word frequency adjustment: the default is the selected state, in the secondary menu: Full width / width: according to AltF8 switch to the full state, according to the state AltF9 switch to semiangle. code inversion For five amateur players such as the author, sometimes they encounter spelling errors. They must not be rep