of accountability, redress of orders and prohibitions. Strengthening the honesty and self-d
of accountability, redress of orders and prohibitions. Strengthening the honesty and self-discipline of leading cadres honesty in politics and education work, enhance leaders ability to resist
of accountability, redress of orders and prohibitions. Strengthening the honesty and self-discipline of leading cadres honesty in politics and education work, enhance leaders ability to resist
of accountability, redress of orders and prohibitions. Strengthening the honesty and self-discipline of leading cadres honesty in politics and education work, enhance leaders ability to resist
第一章 总 则
第二章 房屋租赁
第二条 商用房必须以公开招标的形式确定租赁商户。商用房必须签订《租赁合同》,明确租赁双方的权利和义务。
第三条 入住商户必须具备合法的经营手续,经营项目符合学院要求,对国家有关法律禁止经营、影响学院形象或不利于学院教育教学活动的经营项目坚决不能从事。
第四条 商户入住后必须按照约定的经营项目合法经营,不得擅自改变经营项目或房屋用途,不得私自转租房屋,如有发生,后勤服务中心有权终止合同,由此造成的一切后果由合同租赁方承担。
第五条 商户所租房屋可根据经营需要进行适当装修,但不得改变房屋结构,不得影响房屋质量,装修方案必须报后勤服务中心批准后方可施工。
第六条 商户必须依照租赁双方的有关约定,按时足额缴纳房屋租金及其他管理费用,不得以任何理由拖欠房屋租金,否则可无条件终止租赁合同。
of accountability, redress of orders and prohibitions. Strengthening the honesty and self-discipline of leading cadres honesty in pol
昌吉职业技术学院商用房管理办法(实施) 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.