合理用药标准前研究 中国卫生标准管理CHSM 7 99 ang ZHANG Lingling TANG Xiaofei Department 一般资料 of Respiratory Medicine, FAW General Hospital of Jilin Province, Changchun Jilin 130000, China 选择医院 2019 年 1 月—2020 年 12 月收治 80 例支气管哮 To investigate the effect of tiotropium bromide [Abstract] Objective 喘患者,随机平均分为两组。对照组 :男女比例为22 ∶ 18, inhalation combined with montelukast sodium on bronchial asthma patients and the effect on lung function. Methods From January 2019 年龄 40 ~ 78 岁,平均年龄(±)岁, ~ to December 2020, a total of 80 patients with bronchial asthma were 年,平均(±)年。观察组 :男女比例为 21 ∶ 19,年 randomly divided into two groups. The control group was treated 龄 41 ~ 77 岁,平均年龄(±)岁, ~ 年, with montelukast sodium and the observation group was treated with tiotropium bromide. Observed the treatment effect. Results The 平均(±)年。基本资料对比差异无统计学意义(P > ), disappearance time of wheezing, chest tightness, cough, and wet rales