刘天琪 江汉美 田宇 刘金敏 中圖分类号 文献标志码 A 1001-0408(2022)06-0729-06 DOI , 4-vinyl-2-methoxyphenol. Fifty-eight compounds (relative percentage of %) were identified from C. chinensis stir-frying with wine, such as phenylethanol, β-caryophyllene, macrocarehe D. There were 24 common components in the three, and relative percentage of them were %, %, %, respectively. After processing, there were 49 new components, such as furfural, n-hexanoic acid, caryophyllene oxide. The results of PCA showed that the cumulative contribution rate of the former two principal components was 100%; comprehensive score of volatile components of C. chinensis was the highest, followed by C. chinensis stir-frying with wine and C. chinensis stir-frying with saltwater. CONCLUSIONS The quality of volatile components in C. chinensis is good; the volatile components in processed products are more than those in C. chinensis. KEYWORDS Cuscuta chinensis; Cuscuta chinensis stir-frying with wine; Cuscuta chinensis stir-frying with saltwater; volatile components; principal component analysis; headspace solid phase microextraction combined with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry 菟丝子为旋花科植物南方菟丝子Cuscuta australis R. chinensis ,味辛、甘,性平,归肝、肾、脾经,具有补益肝肾、固精缩尿、安胎、明目、止泻、消风祛斑之功效,用于临床治疗肝肾不足、腰膝酸软、阳痿遗精、遗尿尿频、肾虚胎漏、脾肾虚泻等[1]。现代研究表明,菟丝子含有挥发性类、黄酮类、甾体类和多糖类等成分,在治疗男性不育、糖尿病、卵巢早衰和抑制动脉粥样硬化等方面具有较好效果[2]。 2020年版《中国药典》(一部)收载的菟丝子炮制品为盐菟丝子[1],此外其酒制品也较为常用[3]。菟丝子经炮制后,其有效成分及含量均发生变化,使得菟丝子的性味和疗效也发生改变[4-5]。由于菟丝子富含油脂,故挥发性成分是菟丝子的主要成分,具有一定的药理作用,如麦芽醇具有补肾固精、补益肝肾的功效,石竹烯可止痛,棕榈酸可抗肿瘤、降血脂[6]。目前,关于菟丝子的研究主要为黄酮类成分,对其挥发性成分研究不夠深入,如裴学军等[6]从5个不同产地15批菟丝子中共鉴定出52种挥发性成分,但分析不够全面。本研究通过使用食盐和黄酒两种常用辅料,分析炮制方法对菟丝子挥发性成分的影响。 固相微萃取(solid phase microextraction,SPME)技术作为一种新颖的样品前处理与富集技术,因操作简单、费用低廉,成为最常用的样品前处理方法之一[7]。顶空固相微萃取-气质联用(headspace solid phase microextraction combined with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry,HS-SPME-GC-MS)技术已被广泛用于医药行业的质量分析领域,常应用于不同药用部位、不同基原、不同产地中药材