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《猎人》全攻略(Hunter Raiders)
"Hunter" Raiders
JOWOOD' s annual FPS game chaser, aka hunter or Mars hunter, is finally on th to escape, is not difficult, the only way you can try every door, most open, the main is to familiarize you with the game, master the basic skills, with an elevator cabin when you press the computer on the two floor is back there the box fell down from the third floor in a room, you will start the first jump, jump from the box on the third floor, a good experience, more difficult later, not much in the weapons, mainly Gil caseless rifle, very good, very powerful and sight, we suggest a dozen bursts. Enough, at the chest, because it is to jump on the muzzle, just head. Cool, look at the blood splashed on the wall, still down stream, this effect is realistic. Also, when the enemy finds you, call I, CAN, SEE, YOU, or DONT RUN, and listen and get ready to shoot. After return to the earth, and there is a gang fight, France FAMAS with grenade launchers, very good, the power is also good, nice voice, shotguns and submachine gun is not recommended to use the shotgun in a narrow place with only small submachine gun, power, difficult to control, unless you' re out of bullets or think funny, otherwise don't use, then get back to M4, power is the biggest, one shot dead, that burst, is no sight. Eavesdropping on this pass, it is best to archive, or else SORRY. In the sewe

猎人全攻略HunterRaiders 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.

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  • 页数5
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  • 上传人蓝天
  • 文件大小85 KB
  • 时间2022-06-06