《英雄连》全攻略(Heroes even Raiders) Tips: mentioned below about the next direction please use the ALT to the north shall prevrescue paratroopers from the house surrounded by the axis forces Medal goal: eliminate highway patrols Tips: when the secondary target 2 is complete, return to the prompt location. The one or two mines will be ready. Carentan Main goal 1: destroy the headquarters of the axis Tips: that's the beginning of the building. It's easy to get rid of. Then upgrade it to your own headquarters. Main goal 2: clean up the church area Tips: sweep down 3 bridges below. There are a lot of axis infantry and defensive positions underneath the church, and they can be pushed slowly with mortars and a few snipers. Main goal 3: garrison in the church Main goal 4: upgrade the church to barracks Main goal 5: what comes from? I finished my church and finished Secondary target 1: capture the ammo flag Medal target: sniper shot 20 targets 4、擦仁覃反击 1:建立防御主要目标 提示:主要是3座桥,不同难度差很远。主要自己到时试下就知道了, 大量,可以把防线建的后一点。 2:防御轴心国进攻主要目标 提示:随时补充兵力,占领各种楼房。小队装备火箭筒,准备2层的 在防线,因为桥头的在有时会因为空袭被摧毁,随时对轴心国罐呼叫 空中支援轰炸。狙击手注意轴心国将军(就是图标是II的),优先击 杀他以免召唤空中轰炸。 3:摧毁地图上全部轴心国部队主要目标 勋章目标:杀死200轴心国单位(易下,不同难度不同,以50递增) 5、 Montebourg 主要目标1:救援代号为狗的部队 提示:冲啊(轴心国的小队火箭炮都没有,还想打房子里的狗吗?我 们慢慢来) 2:控制道路主要目标 提示:一样,把路上的旗都拿下来。 3:防御轴心国进攻主要目标 提示:最上方的两条路出来的,用罐加步兵推进。 次要目标:摧毁轴心国前线的总部 勋章目标:摧毁轴心国装甲群,注意是群,其实也不是很多啦,用盟 军罐的科技不是很难。 6