50 2 第 卷 第 期 江 汉ober 2019 to October 2020 were randomly divided into the observation group(42 cases) and the control group(41 cases). The control group was treated with conventional therapy and sacubitril valsartan,and the observation group was given Qili Qiangxin capsule based on the treatment of the control 收稿日期:2021 - 05 - 31 作者简介:谭崇俊(1992— ),男,硕士生,研究方向:心血管内科。 *通信作者:刘 敏(1971— ),女,主任医师,研究方向:高血压左心室肥厚。E-mail:******@ 50 江 汉 大 学 学 报(自 然 科 学 版) 总第 卷 group. After 12 weeks of treatment,the changes of serum NT-proBNP,left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and left ventricular end-diastolic diameter (LVEDD) were compared between the two groups before and after treatment. Results After treatment,the serum NT-proBNP and LVEDD of the two groups were significantly decreased,and the LVEF was significantly increased, and the improvement of the above indexes in the observation group was better than that in the control group after treatment, and the difference was statistically significant(P < 0. 05). After treatment,the total effective rate of the observa