三星手机秘籍 (Samsung mobile phone cheats) Samsung universal password is 9998 Samsung solution phone lock: *2767*2878#/*2767splays all the information about the battery, the battery parameters, the battery capacity, type / voltage / temperature: *#0778# or *#9998*0778# flip screen, you can display the details of the SIM card: *#0782# RTC Display (as if the current clock is displayed) *#0523# or *#9998*523# LCD contrast, up and down key adjustment *#9998*364# displays the Watchdog status *#9998*427# WATCHDOG signal path setting *#9998*746# SIM card file specification test *#9998*0377# software error LOG (EEPROM error display) *#0638#, SIM, net, Work, ID *#9998*3323# Forced Crash (this column is estimated to be used by program debugging. Be careful with it. Some crashes can only be used as batteries.) *#9998*9266# displays the receive channel number and the receiving strength: The contents of the *#9998*786# display are the time of this boot and the length of time after this boot. Press - back to show up to date after current boot to current: Press back again to show the last boot time: Press back again to show the last shutdown time and the length of the last switch: *#9998*5646# changes the SET LOGO (GSM); *2767*3855# or *9998*947# restore the IMEI code in the mobile phone Flash to the EEPROM chip, Use *#06# to see if IMEI has been changed: *2767*927#, this is th