潘基文作为联合国的秘书长,在巴黎气候变化大会上会演讲什么?如下是xx帮你解答! Your Excellency Mr. François Hollande, President consequences for food and water security,economic stability and international peace and security. That is why we need a universal, meaningful and robust agreement here in Paris. I see four criteria for success. First, the agreement must be durable. It must send a clear signal to markets that the lowemissions transformation of the globaleconomy is inevitable, beneficial and already under way. It must provide a longterm vision that anchors the below2degreeCelsius goal, and recognizesthe imperative to strengthen resilience. The world’s Small Island Developing States have even less room to manoeuvre, and aredesperately asking the world to keep temperature rise to degrees. Second, the agreement must be dynamic. It must be able to accommodate changes in the global economy, and not have to becontinually renegotiated. Differentiation can and should be applied in a varied manner across the many elements of theagreement, in a way that does not undermine the integrity of the collective effort. The agreement must strike a balance between the leadership role of developed countries andthe increasing responsibility of developing countries, in line with their capabilities and respectivelevels of development. Ladies and Gentlemen, The