欢庆“六一” “叮叮叮,叮叮叮……..,”洪亮的闹钟声把我从
欢庆“六一” “叮叮叮,叮叮叮……..,”洪亮的闹钟声把我从睡梦中惊醒,我迫不及待跳下床。由于今日是“六一”儿童节。我急赶忙忙赶到学校。为了让我们度过一个欢快的“六一”儿童节,各个班的教师都细心预备了丰富多彩的游艺活动和奖品。 嬉戏开头了,同学们都快乐兴地排好队。我先在自己教室玩气球投篮。低年级的站在红线后;中年级的站在蓝线后;高年级的站在黄线后;自选一个气球去投,每人投5次,投中3次有奖,后面一个人帮忙捡球。我正好投中3个球,教师给我发了奖券,还多给了一张,我拿着奖券,满面笑容,心里乐滋滋的。 我又去了二(2)班玩贴鼻子。黑板上画了一张脸,没鼻子,规章是:把眼睛遮住,再转三圈,拿着吸铁石当鼻子,一个小朋友就迫不及待地向前大步走去,结果贴到教师头上,引起同学们哄堂大笑。轮到我了,我走到黑板前一贴,咦,贴得很准,我快乐极了。教师发给我一张奖券。教室里喧闹非凡,同学们都喜笑颜开,精神抖擞地接着玩。 我又去三(3)班玩自接球;去二3)班玩松鼠搬运工……,同学们一个个豪情满怀,兴致致勃勃的玩着各种嬉戏。 该换奖品了,本想换个文具盒,可我就是找不到,只好去换水彩笔`水粉颜料`小本子`自动铅`尺子 橡皮等。 啊,今日的收获可,“六一”真欢乐!
To celebrate the “six one“ “Ding, ding...... The loud alarm clock awakened me from my sleep, and I can”t wait to get out of bed.. Because today is the “six one“ children”s day.. I hurried to the school. In order to let us spend a happy “61“ children”s day, each class teachers are well prepared rich and colorful recreational activities and prizes. The game started, the students are happy to row good team. I first played balloon shots in my classroom.. Low grade station in the red line; grade stations in the blue line; high grade stand behind the yellow line; optional a balloon to vote. Each vot
六一儿童节手抄报内容:欢度“六一” 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.