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Jack: What's that you are reading?
Mieko: It's a novel but it's not very good.
Jack: I can't read on a train. I can't Jack: What's that you are reading?
Mieko: It's a novel but it's not very good.
Jack: I can't read on a train. I can't concentrate(集中注意力,聚精会神).
Mieko: I like to read a lot.
Jack: So do I, when I am not travelling.
Mieko: So what kind of books do you enjoy?
Jack: I like non-fiction best, books about travels or science.
Mieko: I like fiction but non-fiction too. There is a good library where I live.
Jack: My library is small but they will order books for me. I am studying twentieth century history at the moment.
Mieko: I am studying to be a doctor. The books are very expensive.
Jack: Yes, even on the Internet books aren't cheap.
Mieko: No, but you have to buy them or you can't learn the work. What do you study?
Jack: History and philosophy. Not much good for a job but very interesting. But I like to read popular books about science, and especially about astronomy(天文学).
Mieko: Is that your hobby?
Jack: Yes, a bit. But my main hobby is climbing mountains.
Mieko: Is that why you like books about travel?
Jack: Yes, I like to know about strange places.
Mieko: I don't think I would want to climb mountains but I would like to read about them.
Jack: I like to read biographies(传记) too and autobiographies(自传) about people's lives.
Mieko: Does that help y

口语话题喜欢的书 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.

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  • 页数2
  • 收藏数0 收藏
  • 顶次数0
  • 上传人df158687
  • 文件大小29 KB
  • 时间2022-06-21