1. 塑性分析中将输出每个节点的下列量:
EPEL 应变的弹性分量
EPPL 应变的塑性分量
EPTO 总应变
EPEQ 累积等效塑性应变
HPRES 静水压应力
SRAT 应力比值
PLWK 累积塑ut using EPPL, EQV) only under proportional loading during the initial loading phase and only when v1 is set to .
1. 可通过通用 von Mises 公式计算等效弹性应变、等效塑性应变和等效总应变:
eqv ■- 2 G +v,)
一£ > +
\ 2 +Y 2 +Y 2
xy yz xz
这里,ex, gy,等是相应的应变分量,而v是有效Poisson比。
Physical Interpretation of Equivalent Strain
The von Mises equation is a measure of the "shear" strain in the matenal and does not account for the hydrostatic straining component. For example, strain values of 匚= % = 甩= 页讥讨
an equivalent strain 耳勺=.
当V' = V时,等效弹性应变与等效应力通过下式相联系:& =爲el
Elastic Strain
The equivalent elastic strain is related to the equivalent stress when v' = v (input as PRXY or NUXY on MP command) by:
(19 一 165)
c = equivalent stress (output using SEQV)
t: L] - ■ ■
eq = equivalent elastic strain (output using EPEL, EQV) E = Young's modulus
Note that when v1 = 0 then the equivalent elastic strain is related via
G = shear modulus
等效塑性应变的计算是基于当前的塑性应变增量。在比例加载情况下 时,等效塑性应变只与累积等效塑性应变相关。
v' 设置为
Th亡 equivalent plastic strain is dependent on the loading history and is defined to be:
xpl xpl . Apl £n = -1 + A s
Sn = equivalent plastic strain for this time point (output as EPEQ)
E" T = eq
塑性分析的结果输出 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.