关于适合演e as Lu Ban, made a magpie with bamboo and wood. 春秋时期,鲁国有个能工巧匠公输子,人称鲁班。他用竹木造了一只喜鹊。 A machine was installed in this magpie which, when started, could fly high like a real bird. It actually flew continually for three days and nights before it landed. 这只木制的喜鹊,安装着机关。只要一开动它,就能像真的鸟一样展翅高飞。它一连飞了三天三夜才着陆下来。 Gongshu Zi greatly appreciated this excellent work of his own.
公输子特别观赏自己这件得意的作品。 When Mo Zi (Master of the Mohist School) heard of this, he went immediately to see Gongshu Zi and said to him: 墨子知道了这件事情以后,马上去见公输子,对他说: As you know, it takes an ordinary carpenter a very short time to make a linchpin of a wheel with the minimum amount of timber. A vehicle with a linchpin inserted into each end of an axle can carry many things and bear a heavy load of 50 dan(1 hectolitre). But you took painstaking effort to make this wooden magpie. Though pretty and able to fly, it cannot compare with the linchpin in terms of practical value. Things made by a carpenter should be useful for peoples life, so that everyone will praise him for his cleverness and skill. Otherwise, he is bound to be derided. 你知道,平凡的木匠只花很短的时间,用极少的木料就能做成车辖。将车辖插在车轴