国产聚焦超声减脂塑形设备临床应用疗效观察:女生减脂塑形健身计划 [摘要]目的:视察国产聚焦超声减脂塑形设备临床应用的疗效。方法:应用北京汇福康医疗技术有限公司生产的JCS-01型聚焦超声减脂塑形机, focused ultrasound device [ Beijing 3H Medical Technology Co., Ltd], These cases were cured by this system with the ultrasonic frequency ,the average sound power (550±20%) in patients were cured 3 times each on abdomin by non-invasive focused ultrasound and interval of 3 days. The follow-up were made after four weeks of last 67 patients,61 cases were followed up and treated for 6 times, the abdominal circumferences of these patients were decreased in (±)cm. 18 cases were treated for 12 times, and their abdominal circumferences were reduced(±)cm. No skin irritation, blisters, and ulcers occurred in the clinical observation shows the efficacy of focused ultrasound machine for body contouring, and the therapeutic effect which can be improved by repeated treatment. Key words:body contouring;non-invasion;focused ultrasound;lipolysis 在平安前提下,能够采纳无创、非侵入技术进行减脂塑形,达到破坏脂肪细胞,削减脂肪厚度,塑造完备体形的目的,是美容外科行业医患双方追求的目标。2005年,国际上出现了聚焦超声无创、非侵入性融脂塑形设备,其临床应用的结果使上述目标得以实现[1-2]。2008年,我科曾应用进口设备开展过融脂塑形治疗[3]。2009年后,我们又应用具有自主学问产权的国产聚焦超声融脂机治疗了67例腹壁脂肪积累的患者,结果报道如下。 1材料和方法 临床资料:本组67例,女性62例,男性5例,年龄22~55岁,平均(±)岁;身高(~)m,平均(±)m;体重(51~82)kg,平均(±)kg。全体就医者抽血化验血、尿常规,肝、肾功能,血脂状况、凝