1 少阳、三焦、膜原系统论【关键词】少阳;三焦; 膜原;系统论 Systemic Theory of Shaoyang, Sanjiao and Pleurodiaphragmatic Interspace Su Yunfang Basic Medical College of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou(310053) Abstract : The Systemic Theory of Shaoyang, Sanjiao and pleurodiaphragmatic interspace aims to apply plex research method, exposing the “ half superficial and half inside syndrome ” in“ the same ”;“ the same ” takes harmony method. On the systemic level for the same type of evidence, to explore “ different ” space disease spot of half superficial and half inside syndrome of Shaoyang, Sanjiao and pleurodiaphragmatic interspace; the treatment principle, “ different ” harmonizing Shaoyang — gallbladder, cut away in purgation — Sanjiao, dredge for ration 拟拟 pleurodiaphragmatic interspace. On the 2 systemic level of differentiating signs for difference of the formulae of Xiaochaihu Decoction, Haoqin Qingdan Decoction, Xianbuling Wendan Decoction, Dayuanyin, inherit classics, develop the “ half superficial and half inside syndrome ” study of exogenous febrile disease, opening up thoughts of treatment based on differentiation of present globalization intensive epidemic diseases, as well as of TCM active and initiative intervention. Key words: Shaoyang; Sanjiao; pleurodiaphragmatic interspace; systemic theory 温病学用和解法, 把少阳、三焦、膜原作为半表半里病位层次贯串一体, 之所以得到了成功的组合, 足以证明温病学在承传伤寒论少阳病脉证辨治基础上, 拓宽了外感热病半表半里证候空间领域, 在病因、病机、治法、用药上作出了全新的突破。 1 少阳、三焦、膜原证的系统复杂性研究外感热病从汉代黄土地,过渡到明清时代江南“湿地”,其病因属性, 病机转归, 治法用药均发生了质的变化, 而证候 3 学的变化是根本特征。就少阳伤寒为佐例, 病变机理由寒邪郁而化热的单一性病理, 转化为湿热阻滞少阳胆腑的湿、热、秽、浊、痰、火、水、毒等。证候、病因呈现复杂系统多样性叠加。“吾吴湿邪害人最广,其气最杂”。 少阳、三焦、膜原证的系统复杂性研究, 旨在廓清外感热病半表半里证多元关系结构、功能层次、证候分型、类证组合、枢机效应。企图在立法制方选药思路上, 揭示半表半里证立体空间病位, 最终目标是建构中医藏象学的形态结构。少阳、三焦、膜原的半表半里病位: 少阳居太阳、阳明之间, 因其病邪既不在太阳之表, 又未达到阳明之里, 故称少阳病为三阳证之半表半里病位。所谓半表半里, 并非一半表证, 一半里证, 而是不表不里, 介于表里之间。就其病位来说, 处于太阳证之里, 阳明病之外: 就其病势来说, 处于由表入里的过渡阶段; 就其病机来说, 处于寒郁化热的渐变状态。 半表半里概念是一种什么样的空间病位结构?少阳处足太阳皮毛、腠理之内, 足阳明胃腑之外, 以往来寒热, 口苦,咽干,目眩,脉弦,舌白。其中的三个辨证纲领,五 4 个小柴胡证, 七个或然证组成证候学病位特征。以少阳枢机失
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