1 术前脾动脉栓塞对腹腔镜巨脾切除术影响的动物实验研究作者:胡三元,陈波,王可新,张光永,张海峰,刘崇忠【摘要】目的:探讨腹腔镜巨脾切除术前脾动脉栓塞的价值及两种不同栓塞方法的效果。方法: 10 只健康家犬随机分为 A组( 脾动脉主干栓塞)和B组( 全脾脏栓塞) ,成功建立巨脾模型后行脾动脉栓塞。于栓塞前、栓塞后 1h、 1d、 7d、 14d 、 28d 分别将两组各一只动物剖腹观察脾脏大小改变及脾脏周围渗出、粘连情况, 取栓塞部位组织送病理检查。结果: 全组动物无死亡和并发症, 均成功建立巨脾模型。栓塞后 A 组动物脾脏先缩小后增大,病理检查脾组织轮廓尚存, B组动物脾脏持续缩小, 病理检查可见梗死灶。结论: 栓塞后 7d 内行腹腔镜巨脾切除是可行和安全的,均可使巨脾缩小,降低手术操作困难,减少术中大出血的风险。【关键词】脾栓塞术; 巨脾, 腹腔镜手术; 动物实验【 Abstract 】O bjective:To assess the value of splenic 2 arterial embolization before laparoscopic megasplenectomy and the difference of two ways of splenic : Ten healthy dogs were randomly divided into 2 groups: group A(splenic arterial trunk embolization,n=5) and group B(total splenic embolization,n=5). After establishing animals model of megalosplenia ,we respectively used gelatin sponge stripe and powder to perform splenic embolization. The n observed the variation of splenic pathohistology before embolization and 1 hour,1 day,7 day,14 day,28 day after splenic :There were no morbidity and mortality in both groups. The size and pathological change of spleen of two group of animals were different after :It is feasible and safe for two methods to be used to embolize the megalosplenia before laparoscopy. These two ways do cut down the difficulty of operation and reduce the bleeding in the process of laparoscopic surgery. 【 Key words
术前脾动脉栓塞对腹腔镜巨脾切除术影响的动物实验研究 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.