摘要随着机器人技术的飞速发展,工业机器人的应用领域正在不断的扩大, 对教育培训部门提出了新的要求,为提高机器人教学的水平,我们研制了一套以实验教学为目的的机器人演示系统。本文阐述了机器人的发展历程,国内外的应用现状,及其巨大的优越性, 提出具体的机器人设计要求,进行了本演示系统的总体方案设计和各自由度具体结构设计、计算;对演示系统的控制部分的研制,其中包括:进电机开环控制;光电码盘为反馈元件的,以 PWM 型功放电路为驱动器的直流电机闭环控制;以 89C51 单片机为核心,实现演示系统的键盘管理和 LCD 显示, 并以单 CPU 分时控制形式,实现机器人运动的点位控制方式。最后设计制定出利用本演示系统所开设的几个实验的指导书。关键字: 教学机器人、结构设计、闭环控制、演示实验 Abstract With the development of robot technology, the continual expansion of application of industrial robots presents newrequire-ments before education and training have developed a robot demonstration system for experiments in training to improve the teaching effect of“ Robot Teaching ”. F irstly, this paper discusses the development course ,the study both in demestic and in external , the significant advantages of robot and then gives the supporting source of the study and the technical requirements, Secoundly,this paper discusses the overall design and calculation on each degree of freedom , and about the study on the control part of the Training Robot system,which includes the open-loop control of the stepping motor ,the digital closed-loop control of the DC motor with an optical-electrical encoder as feedback cell and the PWM power amplifier as driver .The keyboard management and the LCD display is based ona 89C51 singal puter .It is achieved in point to point control bya singal CPU with share time. At the end, it presents guidances to some experiments on the demonstration system. Keywords: Training Robot 、 Structure Design 、 Closed-Loop Control 、 Demonstrating Experimen t. 目录摘要............................................................................................................................ 1 Abstract ..................................................................................................................... 2 第1章绪论.......................................................................................................... 1 机器人概述..............................................................
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