第22卷第2期 南京师范大学学报(工程技术版) Voalgo- rithm,called GlbestCS is proposed. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that this strategy is feasible,and it can effec tively strengthen the convergence speed and improve accuracy of cuckoo search algorithm. In addition,the performance of the proposed algorithm is generally better than that of cuckoo search algorithm that uses a constant scaling factor,either based on uniformly distributed random numbers or based on a beta distribution random numbers. Key words: cuckoo search algorithm, global-local best fitness, scaling factor, varied factor, function optimization 元启发式算法是一种基于经验的非确定性算法,在处理结构不明确、缺少条件或大规模的优化问题上 具有优势,在环形电感建模[1]、优化配电网网架和储能配置[3]、求取自由曲面最大主曲率[4]等方面有广 (cuckoo search , CS)算法[5-6:是其中的一种自然启发式算法,起源于布谷鸟寻巢产卵 Flights随机走动和Biased 随机走动迭代地发现新的个体. 为了得到性能更好的CS算法, ⑺将和声搜索与CS算法混 合, 提出HS/CS算法;Rosli等[8]结合正余弦算法, 提出一种混合布谷鸟搜索算法(HMSCACSA);Shehab 等[9-10]不仅提出与爬山算法结合的稳定的布谷鸟搜索算法(CSAHS), 且引入蝙蝠算法来求解全局数值优 化;还有研究I11-12]将合作协同进化框架、 Flights和Biased [13]提出采用均匀