OG10语法268题及GWD22语法总结日记十六 A. mood swings, which may be violent without their being grounded in mental disease, from genu
OG10语法268题及GWD22语法总结日记十六 A. mood swings, which may be violent without their being grounded in mental disease, from genuine manic-depressive psychosis B. mood swings, perhaps violent without being grounded in mental disease, and genuine manic-depressive psychosis , C. between mood swings, which may be violent without being grounded in mental disease, and genuine manic-depressive psychosis D. between mood swings, perhaps violent without being grounded in mental disease, from genuine manic-depressive psychosis E. genuine manic-depressive psychosis and mood swings, which may be violent without being grounded in mental disease 1. distinguish 的用法(from, between ) (考点就是distinguish,一级排解A,B,D,E) (常与from连用)使别于;有…特点 distinguish somebody/something from a method of distinguishing cancer cells from normal tissue (用from的时候要当心,辨别两个的话优先用distinguish between and)