中国医院药学杂志 Chinese Journal of Hospital Pharmacy ISSN 1001-5213,CN 42-1204/R 量小于人工调配,无手部意外刺伤发生,一人同时操作两台机器的调配效率高于人工调配。结论:通过 正交试验优化配药机器人调配技术参数,能够提高调配的成品输液质量。 关键词 配药机器人;正交试验;调配参数;不溶性微粒 中图分类号 R942 文献标志码 A The orthogonal test of admixture technology of intelligent dispensing robots for cefoperazone sodium and sulbactam sodium for injection TONG Tong, DING Hai-wen, SHEN Ai-zong, LIU Sheng (Department of Pharmacy, The First Affiliated Hospital of University of Science and Technology of China, Anhui Hefei 230001, China) Abstract OBJECTIVE To explore the influence of optimization of intelligent dispensing robot dispensing technical parameters on the quality of finished infusion. METHODS Multi-factor orthogonal experiment was used to optimize the solvent volume, needle rotation speed, push-pull times, pump-pull angle. residual dilution, standing time and secondary dispensing parameters of cefoperazone sodium and sulbactam sodium for injection dispensing robot, and to investigate the number of insoluble particles in finished infusion, pH, osmotic pressure and the number of insoluble particles were measured at room temperature for 8 h. The efficiency of robots dispensing and manual dispensing, the incidence of