关于植树节的英语作文范文带翻译:保护树木是我们的责任 看到树林里的树不断被砍伐,我知道要为“我们的家园”做些什么了。 seeing the trees in the forest being cut down, i know wadle of human civilization. the beautiful earth is our eternal home, and a good environment is the basis for us to create a happy life. everyone is eager to have a good home, and everyone wants to live in a civilized environment where people and nature develop harmoniously. 春暖花开,绿意盎然。优美的环境,让我们懂得珍惜,学会爱护;优美的环境,让我们知书达礼,更加文明;优美的环境,让我们学习进步,道德高尚;优美的环境让我们学会谦让,懂得为人处事。人人都渴望有一个美好的家园,人人都希望生活在人与自然和谐发展的文明环境里。 spring flowers bloom, green. beautiful environment, let us know how to cherish, learn to love; beautiful environment, let us know, more civilized; beautiful environment, let us learn to progress, moral noble; beautiful environment, let us learn to be humble, know how to behave. everyone is eager to have a good home, and everyone wants to live in a civilized environment where people and nature develop harmoniously. 然而,在我们美丽的风荷曲苑里可以看到:有的小朋友及大朋友仅仅为了少走一点点的路,不顾小草的生命,任意践踏,现在道路两边有的草地已经被踩的没有了绿色,一片干枯;有的朋友为了能够近距离的欣赏美丽的花朵,居然折断花枝,把花朵掐下,更有甚者竟然使劲摇动花树,仅仅为了让自己的小孩开心,可知道那花朵在背后流下了多少的眼泪吗?有的朋友为了自己的阴凉或美观,还将园区里的花木移栽到自家门口;有的小朋友为了一时的高兴,拿着水边的石头打水漂或者水里的景观灯泡,已经出现了损坏现象;有的小朋友在吃完了带包装的食品后,把白色垃圾顺手丢下……。我们呼吁这些孩子的家长应负起相应的照管责任,规范好孩子的行为,也为孩子将来的成长打下一个好的基础。 however, we can see in our beautiful lotus garden: some children and big friends just to walk a little less road, regardless of the life of