1 号线 Line 1
换乘站 Transfer Station/Transfer
八通线 BATONG Line
4车站编号 Station XXX
机场换乘 Flight Transit
暂停运营 Temporarily Closed
沙桶 Sand Bucket
防爆桶 Explosion-Proof Tank
57设施服务时间 Service Hours
乘客乘梯须知 Instructions on Escalator Use
59列车运行间隔 Train Interval
请顺序出站 Please Exit in Order
非常紧急手柄 Emergency Door Handle
逆时针方向扳动手柄 90 度 Turn Handle Counterclockwise 90 Degrees
手动开门 Open Door by Hand
64通道禁止停留 Don't Block Access
65本车今日已消毒 Train Disinfected
北京地铁 **号线线路图 Route Map of Beijing Subway Line XX
67为了行车安全,请勿打扰司机 Don't Distract the Driver
68车内发生紧急情况时,请按按钮报警 Press Button in Emergency
69按下红色按钮,绿灯亮时对准话筒报警 Press red button, wait for green light and speak
into the microphone.
70 通话话筒报警 Speak Microphone Alarm
71仅供紧急情况下使用 Emergency Use Only
72八通线下行出站(土桥一一广播学院)车厢显示信息:本次列车开往四惠站方向,列车运 行前方是****站。土桥站首班车时间 5: 20,四惠站首班车时间 6: 00。土桥站末班车时间 22:
05,四惠站末班车时间 22: 45。请自觉遵守《乘客须知》,按线候车,先下后上,主动为老
幼病残孕乘客让座,爱护站内、车内设施,保持清洁卫生,共创文明乘车环境。 ****站就要到 了。(开门)****站到了。列车运行前方是 **** 站。This train is bound for SIHUI. The next station
is XXX. The first train leaves TUQIAO Station at 5 : 20 and the last train leaves at 22 : 05. The
first train leaves SIHUI Station at 6 : 00 and the last train leaves at 22 : are arriving at
73八通线上行出站(四惠一一梨园)车厢显示信息:本次列车开往土桥站方向,列车运行前 方是****站。土桥站首班车时间 5: 20,四惠站首班车时间 6: 00。土桥站末班车时间 22: 05, 四惠站末班车时间22: 45。列车运行前方是****站。请自觉遵守《乘客须知》,按线候车,先 下后上,主动为老幼病残孕乘客让座,爱护站内、车内设施,保持清洁卫生,共创文明乘车环 境。****站就要到了。(开门) ****站到了。 This train is bound for TUQIAO. The next station
is XXX. The first train leaves TUQIAO Station at 5 : 20 and the last train leaves at 22 : 05. The
first train leaves SIHUI Station at 6 : 00 and the last train leaves at 22 : 45. We are arriving at
74高碑店站下行出站车厢显示信息: 列车运行前方是四惠东站,换乘地铁1号线请做好准备。
(开门)四惠东站到了。 The next station is SIHUI East, the transfer station for line 1. Please
get ready for your are arriving at SIHUI East.
车。换乘地铁1号线请由换乘大厅进入 1号线乘车。欢迎您再次乘坐地铁列车,
北京地铁英语标识1 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.