电测与仪表 Electrical Measurement & Instrumentation ISSN 1001-1390,CN 23-1202/TH 数据中,每相取两个电流最小的时间点为计算点,以同相位居民户表平均电压为参考电压,以台区变压器 容量所匹配的线路属性确定线路阻抗,测算整个台区每相电压的上、下限阀值,确定每相居民户表输入电 压的范围,与采集系统采集的电压值比对,实现对居民户表电压失准的自动监测,及时发现计量故障、台 区归属错误、烧表隐患等情况。方法在用电营销分析平台开发上线,经现场验证,监测准确率到达 68%, 提高了电压失准判断的效率,为用电营销的精细化管理提供了技术支撑。 关键词:计量监测;相位识别;HPLC 深化应用;用电信息采集分析 中图分类号:TM933 文献标识码:B A monitoring method of voltage misalignment for the residential electricity meter based on HPLC platform Wang Shaohuai1, Rao Yufan2, Chen Hong3, Weng Wei1, Li Wenfei1, Liu Qianfeng1 (1. Zhuzhou Power Supply Branch, State Grid Hunan Electric Power Company, Zhuzhou 412000, Hunan, China. 2. Technical Skills Training Center, State Grid Hunan Electric Power Company, Changsha 410131, China. 3. Power Supply Service Center (Metrology Center), State Grid Hunan Electric Power Company, Changsha 410007, China) Abstract: According to the high-frequency data of residential electricity meter collected based on the HPLC (broadband carrier waves) platform and the phase recognition results, this paper selects the minimum cur