The Free Life Pond The peaks of Tiantai Mountain in Zhejiang are green and black。 They stand like an ornamental screen。he finally got enough money to get some land and hire some workers to build him a pond。(精品文档请下载) 他觉得必须做点什么 。但怎么做呢?僧侣们又没有钱。所以智者大师开场化缘,几年后他终于攒了足够的钱。他拿这笔钱买了一块地,并雇了一些人来帮他建一个池子。(精品文档请下载) When people saw that, they laughed and said The Wise Master is pretty dumb!(精品文档请下载) 人们看到后,纷纷嘲笑智者大师其实是个傻瓜! Because he was so wise, The Wise Master didn’t care how much they laughed at him. He kept up work on his pond。(精品文档请下载) 大师是智者,所以他一点也不在乎别人的嘲笑,继续建造他的池塘。 When the workers had spare time, he told them about Buddhism. He said,”The sutras (the holy books of Buddhism) say, ’All living creatures have Buddha nature。' You may not think much of a fish or a crab, but they too can become Buddhas.(精品文档请下载) 工人们休息时,:”佛经上说'一切众生皆有佛性。'你也许会对一条鱼或者一只螃蟹不以为然,但是它们也能成佛。"(精品文档请下载) "Wild animals all have Buddha natures, too。 If somebody gets killed by a wild animal, we think it's tragic。 We feel sorry for that person. Hasn't it ever occurred to you that when you kill a fish, the other fish think it's tragic, and feel sorry for the dead fish? ”(精品文档请下载) ”野生动物也同样有佛性。假设一个人被野兽所杀,我们觉得很悲惨,我们会为那个人觉得难过。您们有没有想过,当你们杀了一条鱼,其他的鱼也认为这很悲惨,同样也会为这条鱼感到难过吗?"(精品文档请下载) The Wise Master explained that he was making a pond so anybody who had a fish or crab could hav