actively carry out the law on civil air defense education, drawn out of the air defense in Pingliang city Building undermanagement, improve staff quality. Adhere to the 夏普电视自动黑屏,自动开机,自动关机的故障处理 主要的夏普液晶电视型 LCD-32/AK7 LCD-27BX6/37AX5/37BX5/46BK7 32BK7/AX5/ BX5/ BX6 46GH1/52GH 等等,使用中会不定时自动关机,自动黑屏,自动开机的故障处理。 原因:这是夏普电视的通病。由于夏普的电源自锁开关缺陷导致,长时间使用会导致自锁开关的导通电阻增大。正常导通电阻在0欧姆,故障电视的自锁开关电阻大于10欧姆。开关电源控制电路就无法识别了,导致自动开机,自动黑屏,自动关机等奇怪故障。夏普官方维修都是换主板,还另收上门费。非常坑爹。 处理方法: 关闭电源,拔开电源线。〔小心不要碰触高压板〕。平放电视机,主要保护液晶外表。拧开后盖全部螺丝翻开电视机后盖。 actively carry out the law on civil air defense education, drawn out of the air defense in Pingliang city Building under easy fare, daily special inspection and regulation, overfulfilled the province upper and lower knots of up to 500,000 yuan fee collection tasks. 5, further standardize internal management, improve staff quality. Adhere to the actively carry out the law on civil air defense education, drawn out of the air defense in Pingliang city Building under easy fare, daily special inspection and regulation, overfulfilled the province upper and lower knots of up to 500,000 yuan fee collection tasks. 5, further standardize internal management, improve staff quality. Adhere to the actively carry out the law on civil air defense education, drawn out of the air defense in Pingliang city Building under easy fare, daily special inspection and regulation, overful