沈阳医学院学报 Journal of Shenyang Medical College 第 23 卷 第 3 期 2021 年 5 月 e column temperature, detection wavelength, chromatographic column, pH buffer at different columns were investigated. The influence of salt and flow rate on the detection of target component content. Results: Ospemifene showed a good linear relationship in the range of 0. 010 1 to 0. 100 7 mg/ml, the regression equation was Y = 64 289. 198X -2. 764 ( r = 1. 000, n = 6), and the recovery rate was 100. 47% ( RSD = 0. 48, n = 6), the test solution was stable at room temperature in the dark for 12 h. The test solution was changing temperature and temperature respectively. Under the conditions of pH value, flow rate, flow ratio, detection wavelength and different chromatographic columns, the tailing factor of the main peak varied between 0. 9 and 1. 1, and the content measurement result changed little, and the number of plates was greater than 9 000. Conclusions: This method is used to determine the content of ospemifene in osphena. It has strong specificity, linearity, accuracy and durability. The method has been verified. [ Key words] ospemifene; HPLC ; content 奥培米芬是一种有组织选择性作用的雌激素 临床上用于治疗女性中至重度性交困难,以缓解 受体调节剂,通过与雌激素受体a和p结合,激