第20卷第4期 浙江医学教育
sults and minimum de
tection threshold of three methods described above were analyzed by Kappa test and 1 :20 multiple dilution. The effect of 9 bac
terial contamination on Uu result using urea - arginine broth culturewasevaluated. [Result] With urea - arginine broth color
method, FQ - PCR method and SAT method, thepositive rates of Uu were % , % and % , respectively. The
consistence rate among SAT and urea - arginine broth culture, SAT and FQ - PCR, FQ - PCR and urea - arginine broth cul-
% , % and % , respectively, which showed weak consistency (Kappa = ), highly consistency
(Kappa = )andmoderately consistency(Kappa = ). Among three methods, SAT showed the highest sensitivity due to
minimum detection threshold. The contamination of E. coli and K. pneumonia could cause the false positive of Uu detected by
using urea - arginine broth culture. [Conclusion] Among three methods, SAT showed the highestsensitivity and highly consis-
tencewith FQ - PCR. Positive results suggested a symptomatic infection. SAT has higher clinical value than urea - arginine
broth culture and FQ - PCR.
Key words: simultaneous amplification and testing;Fluore
三种检测解脲脲原体方法对比分析 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.