第 31 卷第 2 期黑龙江工程学院学报畅31 , 畅2
Vol No Q|
2017 年 4 月.,2017
Journal of Heilongjiang Institute of Technology Apr
:/ . . 1671‐4679 .2017 .02 .014
DOI ki issn
(1 .浙江音乐学院管弦系,浙江杭州 310024 ;,黑龙江哈尔滨 150080)
摘要:20 世纪初,随着中东铁路的修建,大批俄罗斯侨民涌入哈尔滨,其中不乏有水平较高的音乐演奏家、音乐教
中图分类号:622 文献标识码: 文章编号:1671‐4679(2017)02‐0060‐03
String teaching enlightenment from Harbin overseas
Russian music schools
(1 . . , WEN Huiming, HE Yi310024 , ;2 . ,
Dept of Orchestral Instruments Zejiang Academy of Music Hangzhou China School of Music Harbin Normal
, 150080 , )
University Harbin China
Abstract : 20 , ,
In the early th century along with the Middle East railway construction a large number of
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Russians flocked into Harbin among w hom there were some high level music performers and music
teachers Those Russians launched essively several music schools in order to meet the needs of their
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children s from w hich a large number of Russian musicians as well as some Chinese students graduated
The teaching ideas and methods there influenced and promoted the later development of China s music and
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education in Harbin and even mainland enlightening the present str
哈尔滨俄侨音乐学校弦乐教学的启示 来自淘豆网m.daumloan.com转载请标明出处.