高压单芯电缆金属护套雷电过电压仿真和参数分析.pdf354 高电压技术 V0135No4 784 年 4HighVoltage Engineering Apr -_I-_口 同压单芯电缆金属护套雷电过电压仿真和参数分析 牛海清跸,刘毅刚显笈,张 2 .华南理工大学电力学院,广州;愣ǖ缤竟阒莨┑缇郑阒 摘要:高压单芯电缆往往采用金属护套单端接地或金属护套交叉换位互联接地。当电缆受到过电压人侵时,金 属护套上的过电压可能超过外护层的绝缘水平,击穿外护层。高压电缆单芯金属护套雷电过电压的仿真计算,与 仿真所用模型、元件参数以及电缆的接线方式、、参数的准确获得是非常困难的,电缆 运行方式也是多种多样的。为此,在典型状况下护套雷电过电压仿真计算的基础上。对包括电缆结构、大地电阻 率、侵入波波形、冲击接地电阻、电缆长度、负荷电阻的大小及性质等、模型及参数对护套雷电过电压的影响进行了 ,电缆护套七的过电压。研究表明。电 缆的结构、电缆长度、入波波形以及负荷电阻的大小和性质对金属护套过电压有较大的影响;当雷电入侵多个交叉 互联大段串联的电缆导体时,应在各绝缘接头处加护层保护器;并联出线越多,其护套上的过电压越低。 ATPEMTP TM726A文章编号:——— and Parameter Lightning Single-core Cable NIU 猶, —琇 Yigan91YI琙 . 琒 China TechnologyGuangzhou510640China 瓽 Power Guangdong Power 珿 5 10620China) : voltage single-core cable are usually one applied cross two terminals grounded(with applied crossbonding)Whenlightning cable corethe— voltage induced its sheaths may its which break the the spotTheO cable the modelswhich exact and precise Based the lightning voltage(SLOV)of typical single-core cablesthe effects several factors 。。 the cable structure and its lengththegrounding resistance-stricken 甶 grounding resistanceandmagnitude and character loads-are discussed 甌 SLOVs 2 cable applied 猙 and several cable are simulated . and cable structure and its , 琣 magnitude and character cable influence . lightning invaded several 猙 seriesthe