2001 年 3 月 Journal of Wuxi University of Light Industry Mar. ,2001 文章编号:1009 - 038X(2001) 02 - 0122 - 06 谷氨酰胺转胺酶对大豆 7S 蛋白质及 肌球蛋白质胶凝性质的影响 江波, 周红霞 (无锡轻工大学食品学院,江苏无锡 214036) 摘要: 大豆 7S 蛋白与肌球蛋白质经谷氨酰胺转胺酶( TGase) 作用后,产物的十二烷基硫酸钠聚 丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS PA GE) 结果表明,两者均可在分子间生成共价键,形成相对分子质量较大 的聚合物. 10 g/ dL 肌球蛋白质溶液加入 10 U/ g 的 TGase ,于 35 ℃、p H 7. 0 的条件下反应 90 min , 体系的凝胶强度较对照组有了很大提高. 10 g/ dL 大豆分离蛋白质溶液与 0. 02 U/ mg 的 TGase 在 37 ℃下保温 150 min 后,体系粘度增加了 150 mPa·s ;而 5 g/ dL 的肌球蛋白质加酶并于 10 ℃下保 温 180 min 后,其粘度值提高了 600 mPa·s. 关键词: 谷氨酰胺转胺酶; 大豆 7S 蛋白; 肌球蛋白质; 凝胶强度; 粘度 中图分类号: Q 629. 72 文献标识码: A Properties of Soybean 7S Globulin and Myosin Polymerized by Transglutaminase J IAN G Bo , ZHOU Hong xia (School of Food Science and Technology , Wuxi University of Light Industry , Wuxi 214036 ,China) Abstract : Biopolymers were prepared by cross linking soybean 7S globulin and myosin with transglu taminase ( TGase) . SDS PA GE showed that high molecular ponents were formed , which indicated that intermolecular covalent bonds were created throughε(γ glutamyl) lysine cross links. The gel strength was significantly enhanced after 10 % myosin solution was incubated with TGase (10 U/ g protein) at 35 ℃, p H 7. 0 for 90 min. Soybean protein isolate (10 %) solution was incubated with TGase (0.