Australia and descendants of convicts
From this article, we know it was noted that Australians are descendants of criminals. Let us know the truth
澳大利亚联邦(monwealth of Australia)简称澳大利亚(Australia),欧洲人在17世纪初发现这块大陆时,以为这是一块直通南极洲的陆地,故取名“澳大利亚”,Australia 由拉丁文terra Australis (南方的土地)变化而来
澳大利亚国旗是长方形,长与宽之比为2∶1。旗底为深蓝色,左上方是红、白“米”字, “米”字下面为一颗较大的白色七角星。旗的右边为五颗白色的星,其中一颗小星为五角,其余均为七角。澳大利亚为英联邦成员国,英国女王为澳大利亚的国家元首。国旗的左上角为英国国旗图案,表明澳大利亚与英国的传统关系。一颗最大的七角星象征组成澳大利亚联邦的六个州和两个联邦领地(北领地和首都领地)。五颗小星代表南十字星座(是南天小星座之一,星座虽小,但明亮的星很多),表明该国处于南半球。这是1903年从三万多个作品中选出来的
Australia's national emblem on the left is a kangaroos, emus right is the one that the two animals are unique to Australia, a symbol of a country that never move forward. Emblem in the middle is a shield, the shield surface there are six groups of six states were a symbol of this country. Red St. e's cross, the symbol of New South Wales; southern cross constellation on behalf of the crown under Victoria; blue Maltese cross on behalf of Queensland; Shrike on behalf of South Australia; black swan symbol of Western Australia; Red Lion symbol of Tasmania. Seven-pointed star above the shield is a symbol of Australia's six states and a federal district. Australia's national flower decorated with surrounding acacia, ribbon at the bottom is written in English, "Australia
1977年之后,澳大利亚的国歌是《澳大利亚,前进》(Advance Australia Fair),这是一位苏格兰作曲家的作品。之前的国歌是《天佑我王》或《天佑女王》。1977年,澳大利亚举行全民公决,从四首候选歌曲评选出一首国歌。歌曲《澳大利亚,前进》获最得高票数,正式成为澳大利亚国歌
澳大利亚国花是金合欢(Golden wattle,拉丁语学名:Acacia antha),是合欢花卉的一个系列,按照生物学分类,金合欢花来自金合欢树,树高两米至八米不等,每年冬天和春天开花,花香浓。花可用作香精和香水的制作,其枝干可用作染料制作。金合欢多年来是澳大利亚民间公认的国花,于1988年被正式宣布为国花
The history
Before European settlers arrived, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in most parts of the dis
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