a multiplicity [ˌmʌltɪ'plɪsɪtɪ] of... (L11) 大量的
eg:This situation can be influenced by a multiplicity of different factors.
take occasion (L11) 抓住时机
eg:I want to take this occasion to thank you.
Amongst a multiplicity of other topics, we took occasion to talk of a different characters of the several nations of Europe;(L11)
cock [kɒk] vi. 翘起(L13)
merit ['merɪt] n. 价值,优点(L14)
eg:You may not like him, but he has his merits.
你也许不喜欢他, 不过他也有自己的长处。
wretch [retʃiz] 可怜的人;恶棍;坏蛋(L15)
a parcel of ... 一批;一群(L15)
eg:The woman who became his wife would be acquiring not just a husband but a parcel of financial worries.
avaricious [ˌævə'rɪʃəs] adj. 贪婪的(L15)
eg:He sacrificed his own career so that his avaricious brother could eed.
when one of the gentlemen, cocking his hat, and assuming such an air of importance as if he had possessed all the merit of the English nation in his own person, declared that the Dutch were a parcel of avaricious wretches;(L12)
sycophants ['sɪkfænt](L16)
n. 拍马屁的人, 奉承者, 谄媚者
eg:The Prime Minister is surrounded by sycophants.
haughty [ 'hɔːtɪ](L17)
adj. 傲慢的, 不逊的, 骄傲的
eg:Miss Pybus said she was cold and haughty.
sot [sɑt /sɒt] (L16)
n. 醉鬼, 酗酒者
clemency ['klemənsɪ] n. 仁慈; 温和; 宽厚(L18)
eg:The judge showed clemency to the prisoner.
glutton['glʌt(ə)n] n贪吃的人(L17)
tyrants ['taɪərənt] n. 暴君; (L17)
the French a set of flattering sycophants; that the Germans were drunken sots, and beastly gluttons; and the Spaniards proud, haughty, and surly tyrants; (L15)
approbation[ ‚æprəʊ'beɪʃn] (L21)
n. 认可, 许可
eg:She smiled approbation.
eg:I anticipate nothing but grateful approbation.
judicious (L20)
[dʒuː'dɪʃəs] adj. 判断正确的,
marked by or disposed to doing good
eg:In the
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