口译笔记速记符号归总(一)口译笔记速记符号归总(一)1. Note-taking symbols and abbreviations for your ...
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Prepared on 21 November 2021初三化学元素符号顺口溜初中化学记忆口诀实验操作粉末状药品的取用粉末药品药...
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方程的意义1口答:式子中符号各是几?3+? =4 ▲+7=10▲ -25=3 78- ▲ =62? ▲ =10 ▲ ? 4 = 2...
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S = sumf = frequencyLeave out periods in standard abbreviations.cf = comparee.g. = exampledept = dep...
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1. AbbreviationsA: Symbols helpful in math -- these are commonly used in texts and references. S? ?...
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口译速记符号大全11. AbbreviationsA: Symbols helpful in math -- these are commonly used in texts and ...
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Interpreting NotesSun Ying20161408771可编辑课件PPTInterpreting notes are used by some interpreters, ...
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MATLAB符号计算1 符号对象2 符号微积分3 级 数4 符号方程求解整理ppt9.1 符号对象9.1.1 建立符号对象...
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wordword1 / 11word囧⊙●○⊕◎Θ⊙¤㈱㊣★☆♀◆◇◣◢◥▲▼△▽⊿◤◥▂▃▄▅▆▇██■▓ 回 □ 〓≡...
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电路图符号电路图符号大全电路图符号对照表电路图符号 电路图符号大全 电路图符号对照表 上网时间 : 2010-0...
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口译专业速记符号大全LT2口译专业速记符号大全!一. 缩写词:Abbreviations in Note takingUse only the ab...
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