Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.耐克营销策划书策划公司:耐克公司...
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actively carry out the law on civil air defense education, drawn out of the air defense in Pingliang...
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actively carry out the law on civil air defense education, drawn out of the air defense in Pingliang...
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时间:2021年12月14日学海无涯页码:第- 1 -页共19页耐克广告语,英文以下是招生考试网.chinazhaokao.com为大...
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广告策划书-耐克AIR FORCE 1前言前言:NIKE Air Force 1,一双看似普通的鞋子,其实承载了无数传奇:第一双使用...
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材质与温度对比表耐压及耐温对比表压力材质温度( o C ) 水压测试等级 Material 120 200 220 230 250 260 30...
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2010年 12月北京邮电大学学报 D ec. 2010第 33卷第 6期 Journa l of Be ijing U niversity of Posts and T ...
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